Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH)

Software Robotics (RPA)

The mission of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) is to promote technical, economic, and social development both nationally and internationally.

The PRH has been utilizing software robotics-based solutions since 2017. Q-Factory is PRH’s partner for robotics development and maintenance using QAutomate’s RPA technology.

Currently, there are a total of 15 robots in production, with several more in the planning/construction phase. The robots operate under supervision and orchestration. The PRH’s robots are implemented using open-source technologies. Typically, the robots perform task sequences that were previously carried out by humans, involving numerous steps across different systems.

According to Sakari Karstu, PRH’s Chief Information Officer, the collaboration has been very effective, and the development work has proceeded agilely in line with PRH’s needs and objectives. The development of the robots follows PRH’s standard application development process, ensuring that the end results—the robots—are production-ready. Consequently, the lifecycle of the robots is managed and predictable.

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