City of Oulu

A Robot Does Flawless Work 5 Times Faster

See how automation transformed the workflow

Watch the video to learn the true story of how our customer, the City of Oulu, streamlined its processes using intelligent automation and QAutomate technology.

The focus is on the OuluCard robot, developed to automate the background work that speeds up customer service.

Video: City of Oulu, Jussi Keskinarkaus

OuluCard is a multi-purpose card used for various services (e.g., public transportation and sports). The card has 110,000 customer accounts and approximately 800,000 payment transactions annually.

The need for automation:

  • Pre-registration
  • Customer identification
  • Ticketing and payment collection
  • Increasing self-service

Benefits of the solution:

  • Flawless results
  • 5 times faster than a human alone
  • Saves approximately 100 hours of work time annually

Contact us to discuss how we can help free you from tedious routines!

Learn more about OuluCard here.

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