Oulu Welfare Services

Q-Factory and QAutomate enhance COVID-19 Vaccination in Oulu with Software Robotics

Q-Factory with QAutomate’s technology has enhanced the COVID-19 vaccination process in Oulu with the help of software robotics. In collaboration with Oulu Welfare Services and Oulu Digi, Q-Factory has implemented a robot designed to streamline the vaccination process, ease data management, and reduce the risk of data entry errors. The robot has been successfully deployed and can be utilized in mass vaccination efforts.

The introduction of the robot significantly improves the efficiency of the vaccination process by over 50 percent. The robot replaces the manual entry of data into the system before and after the vaccination event. In practice, the robot can record the client’s identity, vaccine details, and vaccination event information, as well as create a new appointment for the next booster shot. This not only streamlines the vaccination process but also simplifies data management while reducing the likelihood of errors.

The robot can be implemented in other locations across Finland where the same patient system is used. With minor adjustments, it could also be adapted in the future to assist with seasonal flu vaccinations.

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