Cloud is a cloud based software robot management and monitoring tool.

Manage and monitor your robots

Manage all software robots from one place, easily and effortlessly. With Cloud, you can see your overall situation in an instant and you can make changes to processes or robots using this data.

Works on cloud or locally

Robust reporting and analytics tools

Clear user interface

QAutoAI adds AI to the mix (e.g. forecasting database). For example robots can be trained to do accounting based on historical data.

Multiple robots, one tool

Cloud shows all of your robots and their current state at once. Clear and easy to read dashboard tells how much time, money and hours they have saved. You can also activate, de-activate or change robot settings.

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The winners will be picked on 12th of January 2023 and three lucky ones will receive Jokipii Pellava’s products!

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Arvomme kolme (3) voittajaa 12.01.2023. Voittajille luvassa Jokipiin Pellavan tuotteita!