
QAutomate was founded in 2015 to offer wide variety of products and services for intelligent automation based on robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI). Technologies used are open source Robot Framework automation platform, Python, and AWS.

QAutomate’s solutions are used in many different field e.g. healthcare, financial management, insurance, retail, and logistics.

QAutomate was conceived to meet the intelligent automation needs of companies. Now the automation of business operations, work paths and operations is easily and cost-efficiently available to everyone. The excellent pricepoint being  one of our main strengths.


Contact us and get more information about starting up with automation, product pricing and development opportunities.


Ilpo Terho


Anssi Pekkarinen


Mikael Vaija


Tero Lähteenmäki

Chairman of the board


Y-tunnus: 2672609-6
E-laskuosoite: 003726726096
Operaattori: Maventa
Operaattoritunnus: 003721291126


QAutomate Helsinki
Kauppaneuvoksentie 8
00200 Helsinki

QAutomate Tampere
Hatanpään valtatie 34 A
33100 Tampere

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The winners will be picked on 12th of January 2023 and three lucky ones will receive Jokipii Pellava’s products!

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Arvomme kolme (3) voittajaa 12.01.2023. Voittajille luvassa Jokipiin Pellavan tuotteita!